Business news
MAXX Awarded as a TOP-100-Innovator
Jul 20 2016
For the 23rd time the TOP 100 most innovative German mid-sized companies are honoured, and MAXX (Germany) is amongst this innovations-elite this year. The company participated in an ambitious, scientific selective process, in which the innovations-management and the innovations-success had been analysed. The mentor of this innovations-competition, Ranga Yogeshwar honoured the TOP-Innovators on 24th of June in Essen. MAXX mainly convinced the jury with their innovations-success, 85 per cent of the turnover the environmental-technology-company is gaining with novelties in their own sector and with innovative improvements, launched in the market before the competitors did. MAXX actually is the market leader in Germany and is one of the leading-group members in environmental technology business worldwide.
With 27 employees the TOP-Innovator from Rangendingen in Baden Württemberg develops and produces automatic samplers for water, waste water and surface water for quality monitoring. The company established in 1997 landed a coup in changing the design of the devices. Together with a technical product designer MAXX changed the look and ergonomics of portable samplers.
“We were totally surprised, about the positive resonance of our clients”, Managing Director Karl-Heinz Walz reports. “If the client is faced with two similar standard devices, they will always go for the most appealing one.”
As the samplers are much handier now, they are easier to carry, which is a positive aspect for the laboratory employees. Such novelties are the result of a well-organised process: During the first meeting with the client, the sampling-experts won’t ask which device the client wants to have, they try to figure out which problem has to be solved. Management, technicians and the production work together neatly, to reach for the best possible solution.
This year more than 4000 companies were interested in the competition TOP100 , 366 applied for the qualification round. 284 made it to the Finals, 238 reached the TOP100 (maximum 100 in each magnitude) The rating is made by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team at the university of economics in Vienna in the following categories: Innovation-promoting-Management, Innovation-climate, Innovative process and organization, Innovation-Marketing/Exterior-Orientation and Innovation-success. The TOP100 are the pacemakers in their business. Amongst the honoured enterprises 97 are national market leaders and 32 world-market-leaders. Percentually these companies achieved 40 per cent of their turnover through market novelties and productinnovations launched on the market before the competitors. The increase of the turnover has been 28 per cent above the average of the branch. Altogether their companies signed in for 2.292 patents.
The innovational power also pays off in jobs. The TOP100 are planning to employ 9.500 new employees in the next three years. The Mentor of TOP 100 Ranga Yogeshwar is impressed of the quality of the companies and is hoping for a signal-effect. “The way the TOP 100 generates new ideas and pioneering products and services is remarkable. It is good to see that this award visualizes this quality.” “Hopefully your success encourages other companies, to follow your way. As the innovation culture is becoming more and more precious for all enterprises in the future.”
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