Leakwise Systems Detect Oil Leaks Before they Become Spills
Aug 27 2009
Leakwise Oil-on-Water Monitoring and Detection Systems from GE Analytical Instruments (USA) provide early, reliable, low maintenance warning of hydrocarbon leaks and spills. Leakwise systems: Provide reliable coverage 24/7 with no false alarms; Operate virtually maintenance free or years; Detect oil layer thickness (as little as 0.3 mm); Offer an affordable solution for oil leak detection.
A Leakwise system consists of a wire or wireless signal processor and one of more sensors, depending on the application. Leakwise sensors use high frequency electromagnetic energy absorption floating sensors,
which enable reliable monitoring of hydrocarbon on water regardless of dirt or oil coating of the sensor or change in water level or water salinity.
Applications include oil leak monitoring at refineries, petrochemical plants, pipelines, gas stations, power plants, underground transmission, remote substations, transformer switchyards, marine ports, airports, steel and aluminum manufacturing plants, offshore rigs, groundwater and stormwater runoff, wastewater treatment plants and more.
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