Portable & field testing
Find Natural Gas, LPG Leaks Faster, Easier with New Portable IR Solution
Jan 13 2015
Catex™ 3-IR Analyser, by GAZOMAT ™, overcomes limits of standard leak detection technology and conventional IR with robust NDIR sensors previously available only in fixed systems.
With the leak-detecting power of Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) technology now available in a portable gas analyser, gas distribution operators can detect and analyze natural gas and LPG leaks faster, easier, and safer than ever before, including gas concentration measurements, atmosphere measurements (explosion risk), leak localization and surveys.
The Catex™ 3-IR analyser was introduced by Jean-Marc Voirpin, R & D Manager at GAZOMAT ™, a subsidiary of T.D. Williamson, as a “next-generation detector that overcomes the limitations of both standard and conventional IR technology.”
Limitations of current technology
Conventional sensor technologies used in explosimeter-catharometer instruments, such as semiconductors (ppm range), pellistor-based catalytic (≤ LEL range), or catharometry (Gas % Volume range), have significant limitations:
- Semiconductor sensors: do not detect all compounds; have a non-linear response; deliver poor measurement repeatability; react highly to humidity; and can be saturated by high concentration levels of gas or benzene vapours.
- Pellistor sensors: offer a limited measurement range only up to the LEL; can be poisoned by low levels of contaminants, such as silicone or hydrogen sulphide (H2S): and require regular calibration and significant maintenance, especially when the instrument is used for localizing leaks in boreholes.
- Cathorometric sensors: although featuring good response time and long life, offer limited response to some hydrocarbons, while experiencing increased sensitivity to CO2, and are prone to false alarm.
- Conventional IR technology: especially sensitive to temperature variations and to the presence of condensation, and is therefore susceptible to generating false readings.
Smart, pre-calibrated NDIR sensor for fast, reliable response
The device uses a “smart,” pre-calibrated NDIR sensor that integrates all signal processing functions with embedded electronics. The result is a highly compact and stand-alone sensor.
“Thanks to IR sensor advances, and to major system improvements brought about through the company’s expertise, this new generation of gas leak detectors offers a high-performance solution to problems encountered with existing technologies,” Voirpin says.
In particular, GAZOMAT has eliminated, through ongoing innovation, one of the greatest challenges of IR sensors, which are notoriously susceptible to measurement error caused by temperature variation. With its built-in thermal compensation device that prevents condensation formation on the optics, the Catex 3-IR analyser is immune to temperature variations, which means the measurements are always reliable and the detector is always operational.
Additional benefits include:
- Pre-calibration simplifies analyser maintenance and maximises its availability
- Response time under five seconds
- No degradation to the measured gas sample or false measurements due to carbon dioxide (CO2)
- IR sensor is immune to poisonous compounds such as sulphur, H2S, silicone, and mercaptan.
Fail-safe, user-friendly, and affordable
Voirpin says ergonomics, error-proof procedures, ease of use, and affordability were all considered during the development of the Catex 3-IR analyser.
As a result, the analyser features:
- Pre-configured detection modes for rapid, error-free operation
- Audible and visual monitoring indicators
- Simplified interface with three control buttons
- Operating logic that prevents interpreting errors
- Continuous self-diagnostics that will halt the detector in case of a serious error
- Low power consumption and long sensor life
- Single annual verification of sensor with a single gas concentration, for lower total cost of ownership.
The Catex 3-IR has an IP 55 rating for protection and portability. It is ATEX-certified for use in explosive atmospheres in zones 0, 1 and 2.
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