• Portable Toxicity Test

Soil Testing

Portable Toxicity Test

ROTASTM (Rapid On-site Toxicity Audit System) is a patented toxicity test from Cybersense (UK) based on naturally occurring bioluminescent bacteria (Vibrio fischeri). These bacteria emit visible light when in a state of metabolic health. Light emission is directly linked to the production of ATP, so the relative level of bioluminescence reflects the metabolic health of the cell, or the total toxicity of the sample which the bacteria have been exposed to. Unlike any other rapid, field-based toxicity test, ROTASTM has been specifically developed and validated for testing the solid matrices, including soil, sludge, sediments and waste.

The principle of using bioluminescent bacteria for the toxicity testing of soil and water samples has been used for over 30 years. There are over 500 papers published on the technique and the test has been used to detect over 1,300 different known environmental contaminants and toxins in soil, sludge, sediments, composts, waste material, wastewater,
portable waters, leachate and ground water samples. ROTASTM comprises: hardware (portable luminometer and accessories, kits of consumables to process batches of samples, and software to drive the assay procedure, and analyse and report the results.

ROTASTM has been extensively trialled in the UK and across Europe to establish its capabilities in over 30 different projects. In summary, the system is capable of detecting chemical contamination in soil over 80% of contaminated samples tested. Although detailed detection limits are available from Cybersense for a range of inorganic and organic contaminants; as a guide, ROTAS is capable of detecting metals in solution down to,10ppm and organics (including hydrocarbons) at,100ppm.

Digital Edition

AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024

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