• Discover real-time, on-line water contaminant analysis technology at WWEM 2024


Discover real-time, on-line water contaminant analysis technology at WWEM 2024

Sep 10 2024

bNovate, exhibitors at this year’s WWEM exhibition on stand G3, is widely renowned for its work with water utilities and municipalities. These organisations recognise the importance of effective chlorine disinfection in providing safe drinking water.  bNovate delivers innovative solutions, to improve disinfection processes and ensure safe and clean water.

At this year’s WWEM, you can find out about the Swiss company’s BactoSense, the proven, state-of-the-art online analyzer for water contaminants that has been an invaluable solution for a host of environmental monitoring programs.

BactoSense continuously measures intact cell concentrations to verify the effectiveness of chlorination and adapt processes in real time. This highly advanced analyser also provides cost savings: it reduces chemical usage by applying adaptive chlorination based on precise microbial data, leading to significant cost savings.

Crucially, BactoSense minimises the formation of harmful disinfection byproducts by tightly controlling chlorine levels, thereby protecting not only public health but also the environment.

In a recent project, bNovate was asked to help CSTB in Nantes, France, which needed real-time measurement data to control chlorination and biofilm levels. BactoSense was utilised to monitor microbial levels during chlorination. The continuous data provided facilitated immediate adjustments, optimising disinfection while minimising chemical use and ensuring safe water quality.

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