• Field-proven Sludge Blanket Level Monitor Now Can Be Configured to Control Up to Four Vessels


Field-proven Sludge Blanket Level Monitor Now Can Be Configured to Control Up to Four Vessels

AMETEK Drexelbrook’s (USA) CCS4000™ Multi-Channel Sludge Blanket Level Monitor uses a field proven algorithm to keep track of effluent quality in up to four separate water and wastewater treatment clarifiers and thickeners. The CCS4000™ system uses advanced ultrasonic technology
to measure the compacted sludge level, the lighter rag material above the interface, and clarity loss in the water above the blanket and rag levels.
The CCS4000 Monitor eliminates worry about the adverse effects of denitrification, septic sludge, washouts, and mechanical breakdown of rake. Compacted sludge tracking ensures that only dense sludge is withdrawn from the vessel, reducing pumping and disposal costs. At the
same time, the lighter rag layer can be tracked to monitor the settling characteristics of the vessel, and the output can be used to control the use of chemical additives.
The clarity loss measurement provides an early warning of potential blanket break-up and deteriorating effluent quality. This provides the operator with time to react to potential washout condition that could incur expensive downtime as well as fines for non-compliance.
The CCS4000 Monitor is delivered pre-configured; only vessel depth needs to be entered. All system parameters can be easily changed in the field through convenient keypad entry.

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