Air monitoring
Introducing SKC’s new easy to use air flow calibrator
Sep 14 2016
Flow calibration of air sampling pumps is a critical requirement for exposure measurement, and an external calibrator is required to set and verify the flow rate through the sample media before and after each sample run. Without precise measurement of the flow rate, it is impossible to accurately determine the total air volume that has been sampled; this will affect the calculation of the concentration of any airborne contaminants and the comparison of those results to Workplace Exposure Limits.
The air sampling industry’s requirements for the performance of air flowmeters for occupational and industrial hygiene applications are focussed on accuracy, precision, and certified traceability to national standards.
Offering a volumetric accuracy of ±1% of reading, display resolution of 0.001 l/min and complete traceability, SKC’s new chek-mate flowmeter meets or exceeds the accuracy requirements of international air sampling standards, including those published by the HSE, NIOSH, OSHA, and the EPA.
The simple, one-button operation of the chek-mate enables calibration of personal sampling pumps at flow rates between 0.75 l/min and 5 l/min. With built-in temperature and pressure sensors, it displays a continuous, real-time read-out of volumetric flow in l/min on a large LCD screen. It also stabilises within minutes to allow almost immediate sample set-up wherever it’s needed.
The chek-mate is a truly portable flowmeter, as it weighs only 250g, has no moving parts, and can be used in any orientation without affecting the measurement. As it is powered by an easily replaceable disposable battery, this means that no external charger is required, and it will auto-shut off after 15 minutes of inactivity to conserve battery power.
The chek-mate is compatible with a variety of widely-used samplers such as the IOM inhalable sampler, respirable cyclones, and impactor-style thoracic heads, as well as disposable filter cassettes. It is therefore ideal for use when calibrating personal pumps for general dusts, respirable crystalline silica (RCS), fibres including asbestos, diesel exhaust particulates, and many other airborne hazards.
For more information on the chek-mate, and to hear about the kits we can offer from our range of SKC pumps such as the new AirChek Touch, please contact us today.
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