Air monitoring
Meteorological Technology World Expo is Back, Putting Environmental Testing Under the Microscope
Aug 06 2014
Author: Meteorological Technology on behalf of UKI Media and Events Ltd
Since its inception four years ago, Meteorological Technology World Expo has shown that one key event can act as a major industry driver, pushing technology forward. The show is a unique platform, offering key decision makers from diverse industries the chance to come together to showcase and discuss the latest weather-forecasting and climate-change measurement technology, which each industry depends on.
This year’s show is no exception, with the Brussels Expo hall booked full of next-generation technologies from more than 150 exhibitors, vital to the aviation, shipping, marine, agriculture and research sectors.
Climate, weather and hydrometeorological forecasting, measurement and analysis technologies from across the world will be on show to a unique targeted audience of over 2,500 industry visitors, including key decision makers from shipping companies, marine/port installations, airports, military operations, offshore exploration companies, wind farm operators, met offices, agriculture operations and research institutes.
In addition, the three-day expo features a targeted, free-to-attend on-site conference, with over 70 speakers lined up to offer in-depth analysis of agriculture, aviation, lightning, energy, measurement, simulation, radar and marine technologies and discussion points.
Who is Exhibiting?
Environmental monitoring specialist Turnkey will be at the show with its range of dust monitors, which use light-scattering techniques to measure dust particle size, simultaneously recording TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 fractions. Turnkey’s Topas and Osiris monitors have both been awarded the Environment Agency’s MCERTS certification, which ensures reliable and accurate recording of PM10 data. These monitors can be either directly operated, or commanded via computer using the AirQ software or AirQWeb site, allowing users to collect, search and present data in graphs, tables and reports.
LI-COR plans to unveil its new SMARTFlux system at this year’s show. SMARTflux (Synchronisation, Management, And Real-Time Flux) is the latest kit for eddy covariance processing from LI-COR, for better accuracy in the automated processing of raw data in situ, in real time.
Designed to fully process final fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat, evapotranspiration, CO2, H2O, CH4, and other trace gases, this new kit features a GPS receiver, and includes LI-COR’s EddyPro processor, taking the collected greenhouse gas analysis raw data, and outputting fully processed, real-time flux values via its flux processing software, including the company’s greenhouse gas and energy flux systems.
Plair SA says new patented technology allowing instantaneous morphological and chemical analysis of air-aspired microparticles is what makes its new advanced aerosol detector, on show at Meteorological Technology World Expo, stand out.
The new Plair PA-300 is designed for specific real-time monitoring of biological particles such as pollens, spores or micro-organisms, and non-biological aerosols and traffic and industrial pollutants, analysing single microparticles aspired with air to create a full measurement, across a range of meteorological industries, including pollen species concentration for allergy alerts, real-time spore counts for agricultural analysis, detection of bio-aerosol leaks in clean rooms and for monitoring polycyclic achromatic hydrocarbon- (PAH) containing particles in traffic and industrial emissions.
Using real-time instant data collection, researchers are able to achieve an added level of specificity with successful test campaigns at the University of Geneva, Tûranor PlanetSolar, MeteoSwiss and the Environmental Office of Geneva (Switzerland) proving the Plair system’s worth.
Other products on show from the 150 companies taking part in the show include rainfall intensity logging, water level and flow monitoring from UK-based Isodaq, and field-proven automated weather stations and soil analysis equipment from Campbell Scientific.
Meteorological Technology World Expo is organised by the publisher of Meteorological Technology International magazine, the world’s only publication dedicated to weather, climate and hydrometeorological prediction, measurement and forecasting instruments and services.
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