Air monitoring

Istanbul Welcomes International Emissions Monitoring Event  

Author: CEM 2014 on behalf of CEM

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CEM 2014 is the 11th in a series of international conferences and exhibitions focusing on emissions monitoring. Taking place at the Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel in Turkey from 14th to 16th May, CEM 2014 provides an international focus for anyone involved with emissions to air, and registration is now open at 

The CEM Conference will feature speakers from 13 different countries covering a wide variety of subjects within the event’s emissions monitoring theme. Registration costs €595 or €360/person/day and provides access to both the CEM 2014 Conference and the associated exhibition, in addition to complimentary lunches and refreshments.

The opening presentation and welcome speech will be given by Mr Soner Olgun, Head of the Laboratory, Measurement and Monitoring Department at the Turkish Ministry of Environment. The Conference will address all of the most topical issues relating to emissions monitoring and will contain four main themes:

1. Regulation -  international and industrial

2. Standards, quality assurance and control

3. Equipment innovation

4. Case studies

Within these themes there will be presentations covering the latest regulatory changes in both Europe and the USA, in addition to a range of papers that will provide an update on relevant standards such as Quality Assurance EN14181, EN ISO 16911 for volume flow calculations, ISO 17025 for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, and VDI 3862-8 for formaldehyde measurement with FTIR. In addition to standards relating to industrial emissions, there will also be a paper on particulate emissions from residential heating appliances and boilers burning solid fuels.

Fine particulates are a major concern for most countries because of their ability to enter deep into the human respiratory system, so there will be a high level of interest in a presentation on particle sizing in stacks. The speaker, from Belgium, will provide a review of the techniques available for monitoring particulates and ultrafine particulates.

The Conference programme was created by the CEM 2014 Scientific Committee which vetted abstract submissions and selected the most interesting and informative presentations. Chaired by Dr Lesley Sloss from the IEA Clean Coal Centre, the committee is comprised of leading figures from standards organisations, industry, instrument manufacturers and specialist consultancies, many of which also sit on international standards committees.

All of the most important pollutants will be covered by the presentations, but there will be specific papers on mercury, particulates, VOCs, ammonia, dioxins, furans, formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The presentations will address process and emissions monitoring issues for all types of regulated processes including power stations, steelworks, industrial processes, combined heat and power plants, energy from waste systems and carbon capture. For example, one of the speakers will describe the application of FTIR monitoring technology to emissions from Germany’s vast biogas industry.

The CEM Exhibition is 15% larger than the previous event which took place in Prague in 2011 and will run in a hall adjacent to the Conference. The Exhibition was sold out 2 months ahead of the event and will feature over 50 of the world’s leading manufacturers of emissions monitoring equipment and providers of instruments, test houses, consultancy and support services relating to the testing and monitoring of emissions. Registered Conference delegates are able to visit the Exhibition without further charge, but any visitors that do not require Conference entry can complete Exhibition-only registration at (€65/person/day).

Visitors to CEM 2014 will be drawn from all over the world, including national regulators, industrial process operators, test houses, consultants, researchers, academics, instrument manufacturers, the media and anyone with a professional interest in air quality. This will include significant representation from the Turkish Ministry of Environment and the Turkish cement industry.

In addition to the CEM 2014 Conference and Exhibition, there will also be a number of poster presentations and opportunities to attend the event’s Gala Dinner, and to enjoy a boat trip on the Bosphorus.

CEM 2014 organiser Marcus Pattison says: “Air quality and climate change are two of the major challenges facing  the world, so a heavy responsibility is placed on the shoulders of those that monitor, control and regulate emissions to air.

“CEM 2014 therefore provides a perfect opportunity for visitors to catch up with the latest regulatory requirements and standards, and with the technologies that are being developed to comply with them. The CEM events are always very well attended and we look forward to welcoming everybody to the beautiful city of Istanbul.”


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