• New Environmental Network for Odour Control

Air monitoring

New Environmental Network for Odour Control

From the experience gained in 15 years of activity in the complex world of odours, AIRSENSE Analytics GmbH (Germany) and PCA Technologies Srl (Italy) have developed OlfoSense, the new tool designed to create a professional Network for odour leakages monitoring over large areas and at the perimeter of plants. The new OlfoSense is the most technologically advanced tool for the determination of odour levels and other important chemical volatile compounds; concentration and meteorological data are used to display in real time the effects of the odour/compounds spreading on field. The network is connected to a central server for an easy management.

Olfosense controls Odour level (OU/m3), total VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), H2S and NH3 concentrations.

For monitoring a large area, like big landfills, OlfoSense units are displaced around the perimeter and all data collected are sent via UMTS / WIFI / LAN connection to the control room, where users can set alarm thresholds and be alerted. In other words, you have anytime, anywhere and real time the environmental situation "in your hands".

A similar approach is used to control composting plants, anaerobic digestion plants, chemical and petrochemical plants and other production sites where sometimes is necessary to have a continuous measurement of odour leakage 24 hours a day. These plants usually bring high impacts and environmental risks; citizens complain about odours and this perception increases concern and fear for their health. The OlfoSense Network guarantees protection in these dangerous cases, where the Government Office of Environmental Protection can immediately react if thresholds are exceeded. OlfoSense is a versatile device and can be successfully applied for urban air monitoring as well.f

A weather station can be interconnected with the Olfosense network.

Wind speed and direction, temperature, radiation, pressure and humidity integrate the measurement data; afterwards the SMIT software displays in real time how smell falls in the area,  showing the diffusion plume impact on sensitive receptors nearby.

The diffusion plume is made with isolines that show the dilution of spreading compounds.

Digital Edition

AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024

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